Lights,Mirrors,Sofas & More

Photo Paul Corrie Interiors
Photo Brown Design

Images Nicole Hollis Interiors
Photo Kate Hume Interiors

Floor Lamp All Products at VT Interiors

Autumn weekend

Cuddle up with a good read and enjoy.

Ideas & Finds File

To receive a gift so beautifully wrapped is double joy.

These cute gifts with exquisite packaging are from Oooh lala Cadeau .I highly recommend to visit they blog A Gift Wraped Life as well .

If a real bus sign is difficult to find or out of budget there is always print to substitute. These beauties are from Poulier+Poulier Design.


Stephen Knollenberg

I find these clean, timeless, balanced interiors special . They simply talk to me!
My New Light

From Holland to my Entry. I love my new lantern so much. Its so difficult to find interesting and affordable lighting (especially lanterns) in Australia. This one is made in Italy and I am hoping to talk to a supplier to bring this and more over.

Happy Weekend

Photos -Doors of Maastricht & Zeeland ( Holland)

Have a wonderful weekend

I am back

What a fabulous two weeks. I can not believe how much I was able to squeeze in such a short time. We did 3500 km and visited Slovakia , Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland. I miss Europe!


I had a great time and was very happy to see my friends Liz, Tobi and Lukas and Alexander again and met new friends Jenny and Enno . Liz & Tobi's house is absolutely gorgeous. Huge barn with straw roof, horses.. idyllic life style.
Street in Venlo Holland
Me in city of Mozart - Salzburg
My cute niece Dorothy

With my parents visiting Bojnice (Slovakia) where as a child I spent every holiday in our cottage in woods. Every April/May streets in the village where my parents live are so beautiful. In my language this flower bush is called"Orgovan" and its everywhere.

Peonies in mum's backyard